Some older versions of Radiant Reflections need this update:
Yardage for Fabric 6 should be increased to 1/2 yard
Yardage for Fabric 7 should be increased to 1/2 yard
Yardage for Fabric 8 should be increased to 3/8 yard
Yardage for Fabric 21 should be increased to 3/8 yard
Yardage for Fabric 27 should be increased to 3/8 yard
Yardage for Fabric 34 should be increased to 1/2 yard
Correction in cutting instructions for Fabric 13:
(7) 3” x 3“ squares [1A, S3, B, 5A S9]
Correction in cutting instructions for Fabric 32:
*(8) 3-3/8” x 3-3/8” squares [4A, 9A] (cut in half diagonally once)
(4) 3-3/8” x 3-3/8” squares [6B] (do not cut in half diagonally)
Correction in cutting instructions for Fabric 16:
*(4) 2-1/8” x 2-1/8” squares [2A]
Correction in Block 9A diagram coloring for Fabric 12 (red, not orange):